Vocal Coach in Madison, AL * Learn Vocal Technique!

Voice Lessons

What is Vocal Aerobics?

Vocal Aerobics is a training program designed to boost and broaden contemporary musical expressions and sharpen skills that lead to vocal excellence.  Students learn exercises that will enhance previously undeveloped abilities. Vocal Coach, Sonya Merritt, conducts sessions that assist vocalists as they achieve the art of singing well.  Why not begin today?  Build confidence, reduce stage freight and learn to use your vocal instrument optimally!

Where are classes conducted?

Private sessions are held in Madison, AL.

How long are the weekly private sessions?

60 minutes

45 minutes

30 minutes

How long are weekly group sessions?

60 minutes

Is there an age requirement?

Training is offered to adults, teens, and children.  Minimum age - 9 years old. 

Our Mission

The mission of Vocal Aerobics is to sculpture an amazing product ~ that is, students that have remarkable vocal skills.  Although we can't guarantee anyone's personal experience, the proof is in the pudding! The students' vocal development speaks for the training offered.  The emphasis is to provide instruction and development to optimize each student's unique artistic ability.

Vocal Aerobics will enhance the student's ability to: breathe properly, develop pitch control, develop vocal range, project voice, and improve overall stage performance. These techniques along with developing stage presence and achieving vocal articulation are all major factors in being an accomplished vocalist. But another critical focal point of Vocal Aerobics is the mentoring that Sonya offers each student. Each vocalists target is considered and assessed which becomes the basis for the map that is created for them. We like to say this mission is possible! Setting goals is the way to achieve vocal excellence.

Let's Start Training!

Would you like to sing solos but lack confidence in your ability to sing well?  Does your child sing "all the time" but really could use some vocal instruction? Vocal Coach Sonya Merritt has been actively engaged in music leadership for more than 25 years.  Her musical profile includes pioneering, directing and instruction worship teams, ensembles, and choirs. 

Since 2007, Vocal Aerobics has been a requested program by youth and adults.  As a voice teacher, Sonya Merritt conducts private and group sessions that trains students how to promote vocal fitness while they learn solid vocal techniques. 

Students also contact Sonya to prepare for specific project such as regional and national competitions, auditions and studio recordings.  Their success has been outstanding. Let's start training!